Firm appoints new chairman of the board, New Law Journal

This article announced Simon Pulsford’s appointment as the new chairman of Skarbek’s board. For…

City Moves, who’s switching jobs, City A.M

The article announced the Simon Pulsford’s appointment as the new Chairman of Skarbek Associates.…

Create the Future

Peter Drucker famously wrote ‘the best way of predicting the future, is to create…

The “Goldilocks paradox” gives a role to mid-tier consultancies, Financial Times

Skarbek was featured in this article on mid-tier consultancies, which included the following quote from…

The Times – Edward Fennell talks about Skarbek Breakfast Seminar on hacking

Edward Fennell in the Times’s Law Diary quoted a Skarbek Breakfast Seminar on hacking referring to…

Skarbek Associates briefs Cubitt Group, Gorkana Group

Paul Heugh said that Cubitt’s expertise will support the growth of Skarbek. For the…

Seminar on Knowledge Exploitation

Learning from experience – moving beyond knowledge management To err is human.  People, and…

Cyber-Security – A Tautology?

Skarbek Associates hosted a breakfast seminar on Cyber-Security in the legal sector on 21…

Skarbek in Action

Over the summer Skarbek designed and conducted a major exercise in the US for…

Manchester Business School – MBA Guest Lectures

Skarbek delivered a lecture on Strategy Execution at Manchester Business School’s Global MBA programme…

British managers must build for the future, The Telegraph

This article examines haw Business managers should be encouraged to take innovative paths to…

The Lawyer – It’s a Battle Out There

Skarbek Associates hosted a seminar for the legal sector on High-Performance Teamwork in February…