Government and Public Sector
Case Study

3 months
Policy enabled
Complexity reduced
Top to bottom understanding and commitment
At pace
Two months to crack the problem

An implementation plan for a complex and vital IT transformation for UK Government

A Skarbek effect case study

A large UK central government department were transforming the way they develop, procure and use IT. They were already one of the biggest and most complex IT estates in Europe, but needed to quickly build significant new capability, especially in project leadership and delivery. They called upon Skarbek as they recognised that our bespoke approach combining the best techniques with real expertise was a good fit.

Skarbek case study
The needs

Given the complexity of the problems they faced they were desperate for a clear vision of the future state and the steps needed to get there. This needed to be understood and communicated to employees and stakeholders alike. They asked for a credible Capability Building Strategy supported by a detailed and workable Delivery Plan. It also needed to be as ‘future proof’ as possible flexible to expected changes the detail of which was as yet unknown

How we helped

Skarbek started with their existing strategy and then moved at pace to articulate a vision which combined with agreed refinements to the starting strategy gave a much clear path to success. The senior leadership fully endorsed this re-tuned approach and we set about bringing the middle management up to speed. With the headline direction given far greater clarity we then got to work with the management teams to build the detail of the delivery plan. With a combination of experience, our well tested planning tools and a burst of energy into the project we were able to create a costed, timed and coordinated implementation plan. The key to success had been identifying the key capability gaps and ensuring that they were covered.

The results

Within two months of the first approach and one month of working on the project Skarbek delivered the department a comprehensive vision, a capability strategy, an implementation plan and a capability engine.

A complex set of challenges had been unpacked and the a well-structured and clear plan was in place. Most importantly the project was given positive momentum and the right start. The senior leaders were delighted with their new toolkit and their crucial middle managers were highly engaged and enthused.

Based on Skarbek’s work the department embarked on its capability build which is proving highly effective.

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Business now operates in a persistent crisis. To thrive though needs a continuous evolution of the capabilities needed to implement your strategies; seizing innovation opportunities, securing benefits from change projects; delivering benefits from entering new markets.
Paul Heugh
Skarbek Associates

Chris Charlton

Chris Charlton is a highly experienced business leader, board advisor, programme director and consultant

Alix Horsch

Highly experienced and versatile international project manager with over 20 years of experience

Dirk Schraepen

Experienced program manager, with close to 20 years of experience

Sandrine Delabrière

International expert in innovation and strategic marketing

Allisyn James

Experienced commercial director, capability and change facilitator