Business Services
Case Study

A new approach
Fit for the future
A sector in flux
The changes to underpin success

High level structural transformation at one of the leading international law firms

A Skarbek effect case study

With the legal sector undergoing a great deal of change this law firm was no exception. It had undergone a period of significant expansion and needed to match the new reality with the appropriate structural and governance support. Skarbek was able to bring the combination of sector expertise and consulting power to see new practices take hold and flourish.

Skarbek case study
The needs

Like all law firms that have expanded internationally this client faced a number of significant challenges. They needed to achieve clarity of new and evolving roles and responsibilities. The had to design the most appropriate governance structure including a balance of global against local decision making. In doing so they had to motivate and build team cohesion whilst making savings and maximising cross-selling opportunities.

How we helped

During the course of this management restructure assignment, we were able to refocus the operation of the governance and executive groups. We identified role changes to improve reporting lines and clarified responsibilities. We found we needed to restructure the legal practice groups with the aim to enhance client responsiveness and be more conducive to cross-selling across practice groups and jurisdictions. We also restructured business services functions to better support the firm globally both in the day-to-day business operations, as well as delivering longer term strategic initiatives. Finally we introduced a “Centre of Excellence” to motivate continued strategy development and the direction of growth

The results

We worked very closely with the firm’s management and by the end of the assignment they were fully set up for further success. In the time since the restructure they have posted results reflecting the success of their newly restructured business.

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Managing Partner
Law Firm

Sir David Wright GCMG LVO

Senior Advisor, Sir David was previously the UK's Ambassador to Japan and was Vice Chair of Barclays Capital.

Dr R Jeremy Stone MD MBA FRSA

Jeremy is a physician, entrepreneur, financier, investor, CEO, CFO and consulting strategist with more than 25 years of global experience

Chris Charlton

Chris Charlton is a highly experienced business leader, board advisor, programme director and consultant

Colette Marquez-Estevez

Programme director with multi-national experience across a wide range of assignments

Gabin Vic

Accomplished and recognised executive with extensive experience in technical innovation and strategic R&D management