Vanessa Chan

Board & Senior Management

Vanessa is the Digital Project Manager / Technical Analyst at Skarbek Associates. She oversees the collection of digital tools used at the firm which includes research and integration. Vanessa also works on client projects to help deliver areas of digital excellence.

Sector and Service Expertise

Vanessa is experienced with a variety of project management tools and demonstrates a high level of understanding of what is required of project management and delivery. She worked in Test Management before moving laterally into Project Management for a global telecommunications company, and has therefore worked closely with technology for most of her career.

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Strengths and Career Achievements

With a background in engineering, Vanessa moved into technical project management at an international engineering firm where she was focused on client delivery projects as well as advisor to Management for Europe and Latin America. She has passed her ISTQB in testing and holds an MSc in Aerospace Engineering, both of which translates well into her role as Technical Analyst to find, analyse and implement the most efficient and effective platforms into our tool belt.

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I had one of the most inspiring days for many years yesterday at a Skarbek training session. I've been very conscious that our company is at a growth inflection point and we can take the left hand track and go back down the mountain to the world of average, or the right hand track and scale great heights to truly world beating.
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